RUCKUS AI (formerly known as RUCKUS Analytics) Temp License & On-boarding
This article explains the process of how to install RUCKUS AI to troubleshoot any issues on the SmartZone ControllerQuestion
How to get RUCKUS AI added to the SmartZone controller for troubleshooting purposes?Customer Environment
SmartZoneTroubleshooting Steps
RUCKUS AI (RA) license to be added to the SmartZone (SZ) Controller for troubleshooting.Below processes has to be followed to On-Board RUCKUS AI
- Onboarding a SmartZone onto RUCKUS AI requires a number intermediate systems performing handshakes in order to verify the authenticity of the user, the company account they belong to, SmartZone serial numbers and licensing registered to that account and their validity.
- On an on-prem SmartZone, under System > General settings > Cloud Services is enabled, SmartZone presents an IDM login screen to the user
- If SmartZone is a multi-node cluster, always use leader node to enable Cloud Services and RA
- User inputs their login credentials which is validated by IDM (this is through IDM talking to Ruckus support portal)
- Upon successful validation, SmartZone is connected to Cloud Services but not RA yet
- Follow up with enabling RA which is when SmartZone onboarding to RA process commences
- SmartZone sends its serial number which is used by RA to check with Flexera on its authenticity and validity
- Upon confirmation of SN of SmartZone by Flexera to RA, it provides account id of SmartZone along with it which RA saves to its DB and IDM
- Thus the above process links a user to their account id and SmartZone serial number enabling successful onboarding of SmartZone onto RA
- Next when user logs into RA, their account id that is mapped on the IDM is received by during authentication process
- This account id enables to present the user with only their SmartZone tenant on RA
- Within 5 minutes, the SmartZone should be onboarded on RA, and when the user logs in, they should see a "Green" circle in the Admin > Onboarded Systems for that SmartZone
Upon completion of above process and successful onboarding of SmartZone onto RA, a gRPC connection is established between the SmartZone and RA for back and forth communication. SmartZone is ready to send data to RA via the gRPC bridge, and RA uses the bridge to push "control messages" ( SmartZone API calls) to the SmartZone.
Manage Users’/End User to invite Partner/3RD Party User.
You can add registered users, associate them to resource groups, and manage users from the RUCKUS AI web interface.
The user must be registered with the system.
1. From the web interface, go to Admin > User
- The Users page displays the number of registered users and additional information such as the user email address, first and last names, role, associated resource group, and user account.
- If a user onboards the controller, that user can be added as a user to the account. However, the user has restricted administrator permissions. For example, the user can access account details but cannot delete other users from the account.
The Create User page is displayed where you can select the registered users from Username and associate the user to a resource group by selecting a group from the Resource Group menu. Users are uniquely mapped to Resource Groups. You can assign one of the following roles to the user from the Role menu:
- Admin: Provides access to all product functionality
- Network Admin: Provides access to all product functionality except administrative operations such as users, resource groups, licenses, support, and onboarded systems.
- Report Only: Provides access to manage reports
You can also add third-party users by clicking Invite 3rd-Party User.
A third-party user is a user who does not belong to your organization. By inviting a third-party user, you are explicitly granting access to someone outside your organization to the RUCKUS
Analytics service account. Ensure that you have the necessary authorization to do so. A third-party user or a partner can only access a single resource group as defined by the administrator.
Note: If the Admin role is granted, the third-party user will also be able to invite other users into your account. If this is not desired, you can grant the third-party user a Network Admin or Report Only role.
The Invite User dialog box is displayed where you can search for the user by their email ID. After typing the email ID, click Find. Select the Resource Group and Role that you want the third-party user to be associated with and click Invite.
Note: The user must have a valid email ID that is registered with RUCKUS support. Else, the third-party account will be rendered invalid.
Information relevant to the invited user is displayed in the User page. The user can accept or reject the invitation; the status of which is also displayed on this page as Accepted, Rejected or Pending. The user must also have a registered RUCKUS AI account to accept the invitation. Additionally, only users having their own account with RUCKUS AI can accept invitations. Else, they will not be granted permission to access the application. If the user wants to use another account to accept invitations, then the new account has to be added and registered with RUCKUS AI before the user can accept invitation from that account.
4. Click Create.
5. Partners or third-party users who are invited to manage multiple customer accounts can take advantage of single sign-on by clicking on Accounts in the profile icon (top right). Partners can conveniently switch account views without having to re-login.
Article Number:
October 09, 2023 12:52 PM (over 1 year ago)
Configuration, System Network Management, Ruckus Diagnostic Dashboard RDD, SZ144, virtual SmartCell Gateway, SZ100
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