Technical Documents

SpeedFlex for Android 4.1+ User Guide v1.0

SpeedFlex wireless performance tool for network throughput testing between clients and Ruckus ZoneFlex AP, or ZoneDirector / SmartCell Gateway / SmartZone controller.

Download application software from Google PlayStore at this link.

2018-03-06 06:41:26 PM
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SpeedFlex is a wireless performance testing tool. Based on the open source performance test tool, SpeedFlex, this comprehensive yet easy to use application from Ruckus gives users a simple way to collect site performance data. It can be used to validate the performance of an existing installation, or assist in planning a new site deployment. Simply connect to a SpeedFlex server – such as a Ruckus ZoneFlex AP or ZoneDirector - and you can instantly test network throughput. Easily capture real time through put, packet loss and site data. Take pictures and send an email with the results packaged in a PDF. For more info, including download app, click here

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