Ruckus IoT Module

  • Ruckus IoT Module
    Ruckus IoT Module

Product Detail

Ruckus IoT Modules are Radio or Radio-and-Sensor devices that connect to a Ruckus IoT-Ready AP to enable endpoint connectivity based on standards such as Bluetooth Low-Energy (BLE), ZigBee and LoRa.

Review all Ruckus IoT product offerings and descriptions on our corporate page Here.

Model Name:
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Base release:
RUCKUS IoT (GA) vRIoT Server Software Release for HyperVisor (.tar.gz upgrade image)



KB Articles

Forum Topics

Security Bulletins

ID Title Version Release Date Edit Date
20190815 TCP SACK Panic - Kernel Vulnerability (CVE-2019-11477, CVE-2019-11478, CVE-2019-11479) 1.2 August 15, 2019 January 08, 2020
20200205 IoT Controller remote unauthenticated API execution vulnerability (CVE-2020-8005) 1.0 February 05, 2020 February 05, 2020
20210525 Multiple Vulnerabilities in RUCKUS IoT Controller (CVE-2021-33221, CVE- 2021-33220, CVE-2021-33219, CVE-2021-33218, CVE-2021-33217, CVE-2021- 33216, and CVE-2021-33215) 1.0 May 25, 2021 May 25, 2021
20201026 Ruckus IoT Controller Remote Command Execution Vulnerability (CVE-2020-26878, CVE-2020-26879) 1.1 October 26, 2020 September 11, 2023

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