Software Downloads

SmartZone Security Advisory ID-20180516 .KSP files (SZ 3.6.1)

Patch file for SmartZone 3.6.1 fix for ID-20180516 Vulnerability.

Supported Platforms:  SZ300, SCG200, SZ-100, vSZ-E, vSZ-H
Read SmartZone 3.6.1 ID-20180516 Vulnerability fix Release Notes at This Link.

Important Note:
1.  This is Service Impacting.  Please install during a maintenance window.  By applying the .KSP, the Tomcat service will restart.
2.  Taking a Cluster Backup is recommended before applying any .KSP
3.  This .KSP is required to be installed on ALL Nodes in the same Cluster, One by One
4.  Make sure you complete one node (by seeing all services Online), then move on to the next
5.  This .KSP is applicable to all SZ platforms, vSZ-E, vSZ-H, SZ-100, SZ300, SCG200

Do Not Use Chrome Browser for Downloads (changes .ksp file extension to .gz).
2018-05-22 09:59:58 AM
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39.9 KB
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SmartZone Security Advisory ID-20180516 .KSP files (SZ 3.6.1)

SmartZone 100 (SZ-100)

SmartZone™ 100 (SZ-100) is the most scalable, resilient, and highest performing Wireless LAN controller within the Ruckus family of WLAN controllers for enterprises around the world. It manages up to 1,024 ZoneFlex Smart Wi-Fi access points, 2,000 WLANs, and 25,000 clients per device. Its unique SmartZone architecture allows the SZ-100 to be deployed in a 3+1 Active-Active cluster. With Active-Active clustering all members (up to 4) of a cluster will actively manage APs in the network, providing enhanced resiliency for high availability requirements. With clustering, the SZ-100 can manage up to 3,000 APs and 60,000 clients.

Smart licensing allows customers to manage all licensing needs online at With Smart licensing, customers have the ability to buy and assign licenses at a granular level down to 1 (one) AP license.

SmartZone 300 (SZ300)

The SmartZone 300 (SZ300) Flagship Large Scale WLAN Controller is designed for Service Provider and Large Enterprises, which prefer to use appliances. The Carrier Grade platform supports N+1 Active/Active clustering, comprehensive integrated management functionality, high performance operations and flexibility to address many different implementation scenarios.

The SZ300 supports up to 10,000 AP and 100,000 Clients per unit and 30,000 AP and 300,000 Clients per 3+1 Active/Active Cluster, and runs SmartZone 3.5+ release firmware.

SmartZone 300 (SZ300) - Federal

The SmartZone 300 (SZ300) Flagship Large Scale WLAN Controller is designed for Service Provider and Large Enterprises, which prefer to use appliances. The Carrier Grade platform supports N+1 Active/Active clustering, comprehensive integrated management functionality, high performance operations and flexibility to address many different implementation scenarios.

The SZ300 supports up to 10,000 AP and 100,000 Clients per unit and 30,000 AP and 300,000 Clients per 3+1 Active/Active Cluster, and runs SmartZone 3.5+ release firmware.

Virtual SmartZone - (vSZ)

Note: The Virtual SmartCell Gateway (vSCG) has a new name: Virtual SmartZone (vSZ). Same product, new name.

The Ruckus Virtual SmartZone (vSZ) is an NFV-based and cloud-ready WLAN controller for service providers and enterprises ready to elevate their WLAN deployment to the next level of flexibility, resiliency, andscale. vSZ operates in two modes: Essentials and High-Capacity.

Enterprises will find that the Essentials mode (vSZ-E) delivers world-beating Wi-Fi performance in an incredibly easy to manage and cost-effective package that’s friendly to both virtualized and/or distributed environments.

Managed Service Providers deploying the High-Capacity mode (vSZ-H) in their data center will experience a scalable carrier-class Wi-Fi rollout brimming with unique service provider features ready to back up their service level agreements. 

Virtual SmartZone - (vSZ) - Federal

Note: The Virtual SmartCell Gateway (vSCG) has a new name: Virtual SmartZone (vSZ). Same product, new name.

The Ruckus Virtual SmartZone (vSZ) is an NFV-based and cloud-ready WLAN controller for service providers and enterprises ready to elevate their WLAN deployment to the next level of flexibility, resiliency, andscale. vSZ operates in two modes: Essentials and High-Capacity.

Enterprises will find that the Essentials mode (vSZ-E) delivers world-beating Wi-Fi performance in an incredibly easy to manage and cost-effective package that’s friendly to both virtualized and/or distributed environments.

Managed Service Providers deploying the High-Capacity mode (vSZ-H) in their data center will experience a scalable carrier-class Wi-Fi rollout brimming with unique service provider features ready to back up their service level agreements. 

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